Race Preparation

by clothwright

The Person I Live With is running a race tomorrow.  This afternoon we went to pick up his number and T-shirt and then did some other errands, including stopping at the grocery store.  This was critically important because PILW wanted lots of carbs and I had run out of chocolate.  As we came out of the store we saw enormous billows of grey and black smoke.  They were coming out of an apartment building a few blocks away.  As we stood there with other shoppers we heard the first sirens.

I haven’t checked the news yet to see what happened.  From where we stood it looked serious.  I pray no-one was hurt.  A thing like that–the gusts of dirty black smoke obscuring the clouds, and the scent of smoke on the air as we unloaded groceries from the car back at home–that is certainly enough to remind me to be grateful.  I’m scared and uncertain and I don’t know what’s next but my home is safe and I have enough to eat.

(pause for consultation.  PILW wants my opinion on what color shorts he should wear tomorrow).

(this turns out to be somewhat involved.  I’ll be back tomorrow).